Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any fees?
There are no transaction or annual fees.
There is a monthly fee based on the number of cards you have, these are:
- 1 card: $2.50 per month
- 2-9 cards: $5.00 per month
- 10-30 cards: $7.50 per month
- 30 + cards: $10 per month
Courier Fee - $10 Metro areas or $20 Rural areas if requested.
Replacement Card fee - $2.50 (excluding expired cards)
When do I receive my discount?
At time of invoice at the end of the month, not from participating service stations.
Is my discount off pump price or national price?
‘Pump Price’ for Mobil and Z cards. ‘National Price’ for BP Cards.
Can I use my card nationwide?
Yes, at participating service stations (commonly any station that accepts the relative Mobil, BP and Z cards).
Can I use other discount vouchers on top of my normal discount?
No, discounts cannot be used in conjunction with any other Mobil / BP / Z promotions or supermarket fuelup vouchers.
Do I get one card for Mobil, BP and Z?
No, you get a card for each but only one invoice including all transactions.
When and how do I receive my invoice?
You will be emailed a detailed invoice/statement at the beginning of each month.
Do I have to pay by direct debit?
Yes, these are our terms of trade. If you wish to pay prior to your direct debit being processed you may do so but we still require a direct debit set up.
How do I pay?
Direct Debit on the 14th of the following month for service station use. Businesses will be Direct Debited on 20th of the following month.
Can I pay using my credit card?
We are able to take credit card payments over the phone. There is a 2.5% fee for this service.
What happens if I change my bank account?
Email with instructions to make the change along with a form of Bank Verification for your new account details.
Bank verification can be any of the following:
- Bank printed deposit slip
- Screenshot of the online banking account
- First page of your most recent account statement
- Printout from your local branch verifying the details.
- A photo of any of the above is also sufficient if a scanned/photocopied copy of the document is not possible.
Do I need to provide my PIN number when I order cards?
Yes, otherwise you will be allocated a computer generated PIN. This cannot be changed when ordering BP cards.
What happens if I forget my PIN?
Contact GOfuel on 0800 42 83 83. You will be asked security questions.
Can I have more than one card?
Yes, you can have as many cards as you would like on one account.
Can I open a second account for my business?
Yes, you can have more than one account for you/your family or your business.
How do I order additional cards on my account?
Select ‘Additional Card’ under the ‘Fuel Cards’ menu on the website:
How do I cancel/delete a card?
If you no longer require a card, select ‘Delete Card’ from the ‘Fuel Cards’ Menu on the website:
Please note: If you delete a card it cannot be reissued. If you have lost or had a card stolen, please complete the ‘Replace an Existing Card’ form on the website.
Can I set limits on my cards?
Yes, you can set limits on $ amounts and products purchased. You can set daily and monthly credit limits on your cards. You can limit cards to fuel only, fuel and oil, car wash etc. (All services are subject to approval).
What happens if my cards are lost/stolen or damaged?
Your cards cannot be used without a correct PIN. Please keep your PIN safe. We are able to cancel and reissue your cards. Select ‘Replace an Additional Card’ from the ‘Fuel Cards’ Menu.
Can my card work on the Marine Network?
Yes, Mobil cards can be used at GOfuel marine sites around New Zealand. Refer our map for locations and use.
Where can I find GOfuel Term and Conditions?
On the GOfuel website
GOfuel Contact Details:
Wellington Office, freephone: 0800 42 83 83
Office Hours: 9am to 5pm – Monday to Friday (0800 number can be used 24/7 for emergencies only)
PDF Versions:
Click here for our FAQs on Mobil Cards only.
Click here for our FAQs on Mobil, Z and BP Cards.